Global Slavery Index


Global Slavery Index 2023

The Global Slavery Index 2023

Download the full report.

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Global Slavery Index 2023 Dataset

Download the country-level data on prevalence of modern slavery, vulnerability to modern slavery, and government responses to modern slavery. This also includes data on G20 at-risk imports, our assessments of corporate modern slavery statements, and the dataset behind the Promising Practices Database.

Global Slavery Index 2023: Chapters


Download the foreword by Walk Free’s Founding Director, Grace Forrest.

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Executive Summary

Download the executive summary of the Global Slavery Index 2023.

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Download essays on key themes written by survivors and frontline voices.

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Climate change and human rights: The inextricable link

by Vanessa Nakate

Surviving the unimaginable, but thriving only when we disrupt the cycle

by Nadia Murad

Controlling COVID-19, compounding injustice: The impact of pandemic control measures on modern slavery

by a survivor collective in India

The real price of our purchases: How consumer culture fuels modern slavery

by Nasreen Sheikh

Global Findings

Download the Global Slavery Index 2023 key findings on modern slavery around the world.

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Regional Findings

Download the Global Slavery Index 2023 regional key findings.

Regional overview



Arab States

Asia & the Pacific

Europe & Central Asia


Download Walk Free’s analysis on key drivers of modern slavery, selected forms of modern slavery, and sectors at risk of modern slavery.

Understanding forced and child marriage

Anti-social: Modern slavery on social media

Guardians and offenders: Examining state-imposed forced labour

Modern slavery: A weapon and consequence of war

The costs of the climate crisis

by Anti-Slavery International and Walk Free

Disempowered, dehumanised, deported: life under the kafala system

Orphanages as modern slavery hubs

by Hopeland and Walk Free

Investing in exploitation

Stitched with slavery in the seams

Charting progress against forced labour at sea

Forced labour: chocolate’s hidden ingredient

Importing products at risk of forced labour

Download the assessment of the highest value products at risk of forced labour imported by G20 countries.


Download the methodology behind the Global Slavery Index 2023, including how we identified the highest value products at risk of forced labour imported by G20 countries.

Bibliography of products at risk of modern slavery

Download the bibliography used to identify the at-risk products in our Importing Risk analysis.

Supplementary Resources

Country Studies

Download Walk Free’s analysis of modern slavery in selected countries.

Country Snapshots

Download a summary of the key findings for each country assessed in the Global Slavery Index 2023.

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