The Global Slavery Index 2023
Global Slavery Index 2023 Dataset
Download the country-level data on prevalence of modern slavery, vulnerability to modern slavery, and government responses to modern slavery. This also includes data on G20 at-risk imports, our assessments of corporate modern slavery statements, and the dataset behind the Promising Practices Database.
Download essays on key themes written by survivors and frontline voices.
arabic / chinese / english / french / russian / spanish
Download Walk Free’s analysis on key drivers of modern slavery, selected forms of modern slavery, and sectors at risk of modern slavery.
Importing products at risk of forced labour
Bibliography of products at risk of modern slavery
Country Studies
Download Walk Free’s analysis of modern slavery in selected countries.
Arab States
Asia and the Pacific
Europe and Central Asia
Country Snapshots
Download a summary of the key findings for each country assessed in the Global Slavery Index 2023.
Arab States
Europe and Central Asia