Our mission, to tackle one of the world’s most complex human rights issues, requires serious strategic thinking. We approach this challenge by integrating world class research with direct engagement with some of the world’s most influential governments, businesses and religious leaders.
Undertaking research to build the world’s most comprehensive modern slavery evidence base. We tackle big research questions such as: how many people are living in modern slavery, what makes people vulnerable, what are governments doing to respond, and what works to eradicate modern slavery.
Using our evidence base to inform and influence government, business, faith leaders and civil society. We advocate for change for those without a voice.
Collaborating with governments, businesses, international organisations, and communities to tackle modern slavery. We invest in frontline organisations that have proven impact.
No country in the world is exempt from modern slavery. Regardless of size, population or wealth, this insidious crime permeates national borders and global supply chains.
We proudly and courageously call for change in places that others don’t consider, are unable or unwilling to go. We pioneer new approaches, invest in important projects and carry out research that reinforces the need for change and explains to others how they can make the greatest impact.
Core to the eradication of modern slavery is holding governments and international bodies to account and protecting vulnerable populations.
Modern slavery will never be eradicated unless we tackle the social norms and discrimination that drive these forms of exploitation.
Our interconnected world has increased the risk of exploitation throughout global supply chains – we must hold tackle these hidden forms of exploitation to eradicate modern slavery.
Walk Free co-founder Grace Forrest, Vogue Australia, July 2018
Advocating for and strengthening modern slavery reporting and supply chain transparency.
Harnessing the faith community to drive impact through empathy.
Measuring the extent and risk of modern slavery and the effectiveness of our global efforts to end it.
Walk Free is an international human rights group focused on the eradication of modern slavery, in all its forms, in our lifetime.
Modern slavery is an umbrella term which encompasses several types of exploitation, including forced labour, human trafficking and forced marriage.